Are you tired of hard-to-use testing solutions that are still not flexible enough?

ForceProof is

  • service for modernization of materials testing equipment
  • highly focused and modular software family to use for testing.

We will help you renew your equipment, and minimize the risks for your business.

ForceProof Tester waiting for a new test run.

We modernize materials testing machines of all brands. We have ready-made solutions for example for machines of Matertest and Alwetron.

  • Excellent tool for determining material properties
  • Versatile, yet very straightforward tool
    helps you focus on your goals
  • Can be customized to fit your exact testing needs
  • Implemented using high quality components – we use standards based components so you aren’t bound to a single provider
  • Suitable for university and school usage as well – mistakes are minimized with a simple user experience.

ForceProof Tester

Running tests as a series is easy in ForceProof. The application guides the user through the testing process. Only the information needed at any given time is visible.

ForceProof can be made available in any language. At the moment the languages available are English, German and Finnish.

  • Before any test the user can fill in the measures of the next test piece to be tested.
  • After the test, the user can write notes about the test and fill in the final length of the piece

Standards-compliant reporting

PDF Reports from completed tests can be easily generated using ForceProof Analyst. ForceProof includes the necessary report templates and new ones can be designed with ease. For example, it is straghtforward to add your own or a client’s logo.

Versatile test design

With ForceProof, it is possible to realize different kinds of materials tests in a versatile manner: for example static, dynamic and sequence tests with pull, push and/or bending motion.